Thursday, December 28, 2017



Here's a look at the sea dragon fish creature
that look's like the spiderman villain venom ..

This is not ... Is a deep sea dragon fish these fishes have incredible jaws that immobilize their prey and their fang like teeth make them ferocious predators .

Deep sea dragon fish teeth are either bound or tightly hinged which allows them to fall inward while eating and they have a second set of jaws located in their branchial basket just in case one set was not enough . These fishes eat primarily marine fish and deep sea invertebrates and they can grow up to 20 inches  long which is definitely too big to something a face like that .

The good news is they live at extreme depths in Atlantic ocean . Sometimes as far as 4,500 meters and it's pretty darks way down their so they have a little barbel under their chin that lights up to attract prey like a lure it also has what's called bioluminescence which is the production and emission of light by living organisms .Most marine bioluminescence is greeny blue but the deep sea dragon's fish emits a red glow this allow it to see red pigmented prey which would otherwise be invisible in deep sea a red light gets filtered out by water column unlike most fish it doesn't have scales .Instead its a good slimy flesh like outside that's very similar to an eel and as a result of the atmospheric pressure of its ocean environment the dragon fish has minimal skeleton .

Besides of all dragon's fish is the amazing creation of ALLAH...

Thursday, May 4, 2017




Buleji is a Rocky beach. It’s Clear water is ideal for snorkeling and Scuba-diving as well as surfing during Monsoon Season.


A Rocky Shore is an Inter-Tidal Area that consists of Solid Rocks.It is often a Biologically Rich Environment and can include many different habitats types like Steep Rocky Cliffs, Platforms, Rocky Pools and Boulder Fields. Because of continuously action of tides it is characterized by Erosional Features. Organisms live in this area, experience Daily Fluctuations in their Environment.


Rocky Tides are divided into following zones.
1-    SUPRA  -  TIDAL   ZONE;

When the Tide retreats, the upper regions becomes exposed. The organisms that live in this region are facing problems like Gas Exchange, Desiccation, Temperature Changes and Feeding. This upper region is also called “Splash Zone or Supralittoral Zone”.Organisms of this region are Lichens, Green Algae, Cyanobacteria, Snails, Isopods, Barnacles and Limpets etc. Snails graze on Algae.

2-    INTER  -  TIDAL   ZONE;

The Inter-Tidal or Littoral Zone is the Shoreward fringe of the sea bed between the highest and lowest limit of the tides. This zone is a transition zone between the land and the sea, it causes Heat Stress, Desiccation Oxygen Depletion and reduced opportunity for Feeding.
It can be further divided into three zones.

This region is only flooded during high tides. Organisms that you can find here are Anemones, Barnacles, Chitons, Crabs, Isopods, Mussels, Sea-Stars, Snails, Etc.

This is a turbulent zone that is covered twice a day. Common organisms are Snails, Sponges, Sea-Stars, Barnacles, Mussels, Sea-Palms, Crabs, Etc.

This region is usually covered with water. It is only uncovered when the tide is extremely low. The Common organisms are Brown Sea-Weeds, Crabs, Hydroids, Mussels, Sea-Cucumbers, Sea-Lettuce, Sea-Urchins, Shrimps, Snails, Tube-Worms, Etc.

They are Rocky Pools in the Inter-Tidal Zone that are filled with Sea-Water. They are formal by abrasion and weathering of less resistant rock and scouring of fractures and joints in the shore platform. In low located pools, Whelks, Mussels, Sea-Urchins and Littorina Littorea are common. Periwinkles and Littorina Rudis are found in high located pools. Other common organisms are Flat-Worms, Rotifers, Cladocerans, Copepods, Ostracods, Barnacles, Amphipods, Isopods, Chironomid Larvae and Oligochaetes.

4-    SUB  -  TIDAL  ZONE;
This zone is below the Inter-Tidal Zone and is continuously covered by water.Temperature, Water Pressure and Sunlight Radiation remain nearly constant. Organisms do not dry out as often as organisms are higher on the beach.


Species of Cyanobacteria were recorded from the surface sediments (Edaphic), Rock Surfaces (Ephilithic), in Rock Pool and Open Sea-Water. The Inter-Tidal Communities of Cyanobacteria appeared to be involved in a number of Physiological and Ecological Activities. They act as Natural Detoxicant for Oil and other Chemicals and are also A Source for the Production of Secondary Metabolites of Ecological Significance. These organisms help in the Energy Transformation to Higher Trophic Levels and also play Ecologically Significant role in the Production of new Nitrogen and Carbon in the Benthic Environment.


The Significance of this area is to study the Sea-Life because it had Biologically Rich Environment. It works as a useful “Natural laboratory” for studying Inter-Tidal Ecology and other Biological Processes. Its Biota has the Ability to survive in Arid as well as in Trenched Situation due to facing Lowest Low and Highest High Tides.


The Ecology of this area is found to be Gradually Degrading that was Evident by its decreasing Bio-Mass.

This Coast was rich in Flora and Fauna like any other Coast of the World but due to Anthropogenic Disturbances, Higher Amount of Pollution and the Effects Of Climate Changes, Coastal Marine Bio-Diversity is under Serious Threat.

Saturday, January 14, 2017


The most weird new marine species were picked from the "approximately 18,000 new species named during the previous years."
 The list is compiled in part to raise awareness of the

 "Discoveries that are made even as species are going extinct faster than they are being identified."

 Basket Star or Gorgon Head Starfish:-


A Basket Star or Gorgon Head Starfish (Euryalid Ophiuroid-Gorgonocephalus sp.), which was caught at approximately 800m below sea level in the Atlantic Ocean.

- The gorgon head starfish or basket star is too much looks like star fish and is well named .

- Have yellow pale color ,commonly lives at the bottom of ocean. when disturbed arms curls up and its body changed from bush to tight ball.

- This specie lives off shrimps and plankton
-Also have unique character of alien like tendrils for movement.

Ruby seadragon:-


 This discovery was made off coast of Western Australia. Due to its amazing appearance. It is too much related to sea horses.

. This new kind of sea fish, 240 mm (nearly 10 inches) in length. Due to ruby red color with pink stripes on its body this specie well named as RUBY RED DRAGON.

 Scaly-Foot Gastropod:-


The Scaly-foot gastropod (or sometimes “armored snail”) is 
another deep-sea creature living near scalding thermal vents. 
They found at 7,940 feet deep. Scaly foot gastropod have shells and scales composed of iron and mineral.



A female angler fish discovered in the northern Gulf Mexico Dr. Theodore W Pietsch ,  university of Washington  .  They produce their own light by means of that they have unique way to attracts prey.



Marine researchers have discovered a strange alien-like creature during exploring the underwater world found in  ocean trench on Earth. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientist team spotted new specie jellyfish during an expedition to the Mariana Trench in the Pacific. Thats why its called Mariana trench fish.



Ninja lantern shark has ligh emmiting organs found in the eastern Pacific Ocean from Nicaragua, south to Panama and Costa Rica.



Scientists are surprised to encounter what may be a never before seen octopus more than 4,000 meters (13,123 feet ) deep under the sea near Hawaii . 

Sunday, November 20, 2016



Human stomach is a muscular sac organ which consist of 3 parts.

*Cardiac part:-

The upper muscular narrow pipe like structure is called Cardiac sphinctor.

*Middle part:-
Middle part is known as Fundus which secretes digestive enzyme.

*Pyloric part:-
The lower part which is connected with duodenum. This part contain valve called Pyloric sphintor.

Physiological function:-

It forms a covering on wall of stomach.

1-Mucus: To protect from the action of enzyme.

2- HCL: It kills bacteria and germs provide acidic mediam for the action of enzyme.

Complex protein polymer --HCL--> simple protein


It is an inactive enzyme which is changed into pepsin enzyme by the help of HCL.

Protein ---pepsin--> peptones


It is present in infants and babies .

Milk-----renin--> curd

Chyme formed into duodenum.


Largest part in G.I.T. Its consists of 03 parts as.


a) Duodenum:- 

The stomach open into duodenum .It is a very important part receives bile duct from liver and pancreatic duct from pancreas. Both open in duodenum called Bilo pancreatic duct.

Function of bile:-

*Basic compound scretes sodium carbonate.

*It acts on fat and emulsify it .

Function of pancreatic juice:-


Peptones----trypsin--> polypeptide


Carbohydrates ----amylase---> diasaccharides


Fats----lipase--> fatty acid + glycerol


Milk protein (casein) ----chymotrypsin--> amino acid


*Erypsin:-   Polypeptide -----erypsin--> amino acid


Maltose ---Maltase--> glucose


Lactose ---lactase--> galactose + glucose


Sucrose ------> glucose


Fats --------> fatty acid + glycerol

c) ILEUM:-

In the ileum absorbtion of digested food takes place . In the ileum there are small projection known as villi.The villi are consists of epithelial cell and lacteals which are special cells and connected with lymph vessels villi also have blood capillaries.


*The glucose and amino acid absorbed by villi.


Large intestine consist of following 3 parts:-

In this part special bacteria are present which help in digestion of cellulose. It is converted into sugar then its absorbed in body.

2;Colon : consist if three parts

a) Ascending part                    b)Transverse part              c) Descending part  

Physiological functions:-

*Inorganic salts,vitamins and water are absorbed in colon.

*Assimilation of excretory substance takes place in large intestine .

8) Rectum:-

In the rectum purely undigested food comes and it is expelled periodically out of body through anus after the reabsorbtion of water.



The digestive system of man is consist of following parts:-

1) MOUTH:-

It is the anterior opening of the gut,which is bounded by fleshy lips. The lips not only close the mouth but also help in ingestion. The mouth opens into buccal cavity.

The human buccal cavity consist of following parts as :-

a) Tongue:-

It is an elongated muscular organ which is primarily a chemical sensory organ.

However, during digestion its help in rolling of food.

b) Teeth:-

The buccal cavity is a chamber surrounded by two jaws,upper jaw and lower jaw. In there jaws tooth are present which are of different types is called Heterodont . These teeth are in gums are known as Therodont. In human being thesr are two sets of teeth in entire life. The teeth which appear early age are known as Milky teeth. These teeth are replaced by bony teeth.

Different types of teeth :-

* Incisors:-
These are front teeth.
 used for cutting and bitting.

* Canines:
Canines are side teeth.
used for stretching food.

* Premolars and Molars:
These are back teeth
used for chewing and grinding food material. By the help of these teeth the food is properly masticated.

*Dental formula:-
(i 2/2 , c 1/1, pm 2/2 , m 3/3 ) × 2 = 32

In the buccal cavity there are three pairs of salivary gland.These glands are:-

*Parotid gland:-
Situated below the ear pinna on inner side  of buccal cavity.

*Sublingual gland :-
Present under the tongue .

*Submandibular gland :-
Situated below the jaws.

The secretion of salivary gland is known as Saliva.
The saliva is mixed with food material. The saliva contains:-
°Water    °Mucus    ° Salt

The food becomes soft and lubricated. It can be easily swallowed.
These are used to kill germs.

Important enzyme:
Amylase OR Ptyalin enzyme :-

Starch + ----amylase--- > carbohydrate (bolus formed)


At the end of buccal cavity small part pharynx is present which opens into oesophagus. In the pharynx there is an opening known as Glottis .It lead into respiratory tract .The glottis has valve known as Epiglottis when food passes through it . It is closed by epiglottis, so the food particles cannot enter the glottis.


It is a narrow tube like structure. It passed through neck and then opens into stomach.


•No enzyme is secreted in oesophagus.

•Only mucus is present to lubricate the inner walls.

•The basic propulsive movement of G.I.T is peristalsis.
                                                                                       (continue on next part b post )

Sunday, November 13, 2016




•Protein are large complex compound.
•The one protein molecule is made up of 20- amino acid.
• The nature of protein is based on number and kind of amino acid.


• The protein synthesis take placed under the direction of DNA in ribosome and following main steps are include in protein synthesis.




  It is formation of messenger RNA molecule on DNA helix.

1) RNA POLYMERASE an enzyme attaches with helix DNA and brings about breaking of hydrogen bond between nitrogenous base. Thus, separation occurs between 2 helix.

2) Nucleotides of RNA line up next to the complementary DNA nucleotide .

3) The mRNA leaves nucleus through passes from nuclear membrane.

4) When enzyme arrives at a special STOP signal at the far edge of gene, it dis engage from DNA and releases the assembled RNA chain. This chain is complementary to DNA strand ,Thus it is called Primary RNA transcript or RNA transcript copy.

5) Messenger RNA molecule having coded message also.



It is the process in which building of polypeptide chain occurs in ribosome's according to message of mRNA.


- mRNA is not read by one ribosome, many ribosome's are bind with mRNA.

  Transfer of amino acid to site if protein synthesis:-

- Activated tRNA brings amino acid to ribosomes, where mRNA resides.

- The inactive amino acid are activated by specific enzyme and ATP.


1) tRNA also has sequence of 3 nucleotide called Anti codons . This anti codons must be complementary with codons present on mRNA ,other wise attachment of tRNA to mRNA is not possible.

2)The first tRNA shifts its amino acid to second tRNA. Two amino acid make peptide bond.

3) The same process remains continue until desired polypeptide chain is prepared.

4) lastly, a stop codon present on mRNA stop this process and polypeptide chain set free in cytoplasm.

Thursday, November 10, 2016



Can't find time to study? 

How to study more in less time?

Maybe some of my tricks will help you better study with a busing schedule...

  Following are some study hacks that will boost your grades :-

1) Be stubborn on your goals and flexable on your methods.

2) Create acronyms to help memorize information like ; Mitosis stages include
Prophase + Metaphase + Anaphase + Telophase In short we can learn acronym as (PMAT) .

3)Organized your study table make sure u have all accessories like water ,books, notes, e.t.c at table..

4) Heigh light the key points with different colours.

5) Take sufficient sleep as well for better health.

6) Practise Test are great feedback on how will you studied and marks your mistakes too.

7) Follow Chart technique make follow chart for different process or cycles eg. Make follow chart on DNA replication.

8) Avoid Distraction by silent your cell phone and off wifi device while studing.

9) Look After yourself  dont eat white bread , potatoes, candies, fried items, and most important coffein drinks..

10) Teach Other Students study with intention to teach others.

11) Make Time table in a week cover all your subjects by divide days on whole coarse.

12) Avoid Stress don't create panic about final exams or test be confident and do your best.

13) Don't Study At Midnight study at early morning is more good for health..

14) Read atleast one time your class notes after class or at home.

15) Ask Questions from teacher make sure your concept's more smoothly.

16) Create tags between books and notes good way to memorize difficult topics.

17) Reward Yourself after an hour study  must take 15 minutes break for chatting with friends or listening music e.t.c..

18) Watch documentaries. When you're stuck watch a video on the topics.

19) Sit In The front of class room helps you better understand see and hear the lecture properly.

20)Formulae have difficult to learn make a note of them and paste it on wall.

     One at a time these hacks / habits will change your whole life..