Thursday, May 4, 2017




Buleji is a Rocky beach. It’s Clear water is ideal for snorkeling and Scuba-diving as well as surfing during Monsoon Season.


A Rocky Shore is an Inter-Tidal Area that consists of Solid Rocks.It is often a Biologically Rich Environment and can include many different habitats types like Steep Rocky Cliffs, Platforms, Rocky Pools and Boulder Fields. Because of continuously action of tides it is characterized by Erosional Features. Organisms live in this area, experience Daily Fluctuations in their Environment.


Rocky Tides are divided into following zones.
1-    SUPRA  -  TIDAL   ZONE;

When the Tide retreats, the upper regions becomes exposed. The organisms that live in this region are facing problems like Gas Exchange, Desiccation, Temperature Changes and Feeding. This upper region is also called “Splash Zone or Supralittoral Zone”.Organisms of this region are Lichens, Green Algae, Cyanobacteria, Snails, Isopods, Barnacles and Limpets etc. Snails graze on Algae.

2-    INTER  -  TIDAL   ZONE;

The Inter-Tidal or Littoral Zone is the Shoreward fringe of the sea bed between the highest and lowest limit of the tides. This zone is a transition zone between the land and the sea, it causes Heat Stress, Desiccation Oxygen Depletion and reduced opportunity for Feeding.
It can be further divided into three zones.

This region is only flooded during high tides. Organisms that you can find here are Anemones, Barnacles, Chitons, Crabs, Isopods, Mussels, Sea-Stars, Snails, Etc.

This is a turbulent zone that is covered twice a day. Common organisms are Snails, Sponges, Sea-Stars, Barnacles, Mussels, Sea-Palms, Crabs, Etc.

This region is usually covered with water. It is only uncovered when the tide is extremely low. The Common organisms are Brown Sea-Weeds, Crabs, Hydroids, Mussels, Sea-Cucumbers, Sea-Lettuce, Sea-Urchins, Shrimps, Snails, Tube-Worms, Etc.

They are Rocky Pools in the Inter-Tidal Zone that are filled with Sea-Water. They are formal by abrasion and weathering of less resistant rock and scouring of fractures and joints in the shore platform. In low located pools, Whelks, Mussels, Sea-Urchins and Littorina Littorea are common. Periwinkles and Littorina Rudis are found in high located pools. Other common organisms are Flat-Worms, Rotifers, Cladocerans, Copepods, Ostracods, Barnacles, Amphipods, Isopods, Chironomid Larvae and Oligochaetes.

4-    SUB  -  TIDAL  ZONE;
This zone is below the Inter-Tidal Zone and is continuously covered by water.Temperature, Water Pressure and Sunlight Radiation remain nearly constant. Organisms do not dry out as often as organisms are higher on the beach.


Species of Cyanobacteria were recorded from the surface sediments (Edaphic), Rock Surfaces (Ephilithic), in Rock Pool and Open Sea-Water. The Inter-Tidal Communities of Cyanobacteria appeared to be involved in a number of Physiological and Ecological Activities. They act as Natural Detoxicant for Oil and other Chemicals and are also A Source for the Production of Secondary Metabolites of Ecological Significance. These organisms help in the Energy Transformation to Higher Trophic Levels and also play Ecologically Significant role in the Production of new Nitrogen and Carbon in the Benthic Environment.


The Significance of this area is to study the Sea-Life because it had Biologically Rich Environment. It works as a useful “Natural laboratory” for studying Inter-Tidal Ecology and other Biological Processes. Its Biota has the Ability to survive in Arid as well as in Trenched Situation due to facing Lowest Low and Highest High Tides.


The Ecology of this area is found to be Gradually Degrading that was Evident by its decreasing Bio-Mass.

This Coast was rich in Flora and Fauna like any other Coast of the World but due to Anthropogenic Disturbances, Higher Amount of Pollution and the Effects Of Climate Changes, Coastal Marine Bio-Diversity is under Serious Threat.

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