Thursday, November 10, 2016



Can't find time to study? 

How to study more in less time?

Maybe some of my tricks will help you better study with a busing schedule...

  Following are some study hacks that will boost your grades :-

1) Be stubborn on your goals and flexable on your methods.

2) Create acronyms to help memorize information like ; Mitosis stages include
Prophase + Metaphase + Anaphase + Telophase In short we can learn acronym as (PMAT) .

3)Organized your study table make sure u have all accessories like water ,books, notes, e.t.c at table..

4) Heigh light the key points with different colours.

5) Take sufficient sleep as well for better health.

6) Practise Test are great feedback on how will you studied and marks your mistakes too.

7) Follow Chart technique make follow chart for different process or cycles eg. Make follow chart on DNA replication.

8) Avoid Distraction by silent your cell phone and off wifi device while studing.

9) Look After yourself  dont eat white bread , potatoes, candies, fried items, and most important coffein drinks..

10) Teach Other Students study with intention to teach others.

11) Make Time table in a week cover all your subjects by divide days on whole coarse.

12) Avoid Stress don't create panic about final exams or test be confident and do your best.

13) Don't Study At Midnight study at early morning is more good for health..

14) Read atleast one time your class notes after class or at home.

15) Ask Questions from teacher make sure your concept's more smoothly.

16) Create tags between books and notes good way to memorize difficult topics.

17) Reward Yourself after an hour study  must take 15 minutes break for chatting with friends or listening music e.t.c..

18) Watch documentaries. When you're stuck watch a video on the topics.

19) Sit In The front of class room helps you better understand see and hear the lecture properly.

20)Formulae have difficult to learn make a note of them and paste it on wall.

     One at a time these hacks / habits will change your whole life..

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